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[原创] windows8下 安装Revit的测试反馈~


发表于 2013-3-2 15:12:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
白鼠最终落败,通过各种途径强行安装了Revit Structures 2012及Revit 2013。
最终结果是,windows8 系统环境下,Revit主要功能可以工作,查看模型,创建模型及族,涉及到修改部分功能多数都处于崩溃状态,如族模型文件的修改,一定崩溃。另外功能区的显示有时会有问题,很多功能显示不出,重启软件可解决~。

Autodesk官方声明 支持windows8 的软件如下所列,revit不在其中,就是不支持在8环境下运行的,各位坛友也不要再折腾了~

Windows 8 Support for Autodesk products

You want to know which Autodesk products are supported on Microsoft Windows® 8.

Note: Unless indicated otherwise, this information applies to the 2013-2010 versions of all Autodesk products. Autodesk product versions of 2009 and earlier are no longer supported and are not included in considerations of Windows 8 compatibility.

Autodesk intends to support many of our key products on Windows 8 and will add additional products to the list of products supported on Windows 8 as updates and future versions are released. Product Support will provide its best effort to assist customers who have issues with products that are not currently supported.

The Autodesk products listed below have been tested and are confirmed as working correctly on Microsoft Windows 8 operating system:

Autodesk 3ds Max 2013
Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2013
Autodesk Maya 2013
Autodesk MotionBuilder 2013
Autodesk Mudbox 2013
Autodesk Softimage 2013
Autodesk SketchBook Designer 2013

Note: This technical solution will be updated as new Windows 8 compatibility information becomes available.

win7用了几年了,很不错,稳定人性化,用了8感觉更爽快,速度快,期待Autodesk 早早放出正是支持win8的revit~





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